M.K. さん
M.K. さん
My daughter, MK joined the Baby Steps class just before she turned two and the first day,she cried when Ileft her side but the second time,she was so excited to go to school,she didn't even say goodbye.
She enjoyed going to school every week to see her teachers and friends.
She moced onto Toddler class where she learned new songs and she would sing them all day long at home. Isaw an improvement in her speaking skills. She would response back to me in a lull sentence instead of just saying "Yes" or "No".
The things that I like about Blue Sky International are that there are a lot of seasonal activities and they sing a lot of songs. Thy also have different cultural cultural activities which I don't think other English schools have.
The teachers and staff are all very friendly and experienced and I know that my daughter is in good hands with them.